Je suis Pureing
Je voyage donc je suis
Je suis Pureing
Je voyage donc je suis
我們預計在冰島西部峽灣停留二天, 其中一天參加了 West Tours 的 King and Queen of Cliffs – a day in Hornvik ( )
什麼是 Hornstrandir ? 在上面地圖最上方的那個區域, 一個美麗又寧靜的冰島西北部自然保護區, 若有機會去西北峽灣的人, 真的不能不去這個地方看看. Hornstrandir Nature Reserve 建立在西元 1975年, 為了保護環境這個地方是嚴格限制進入這裡的方式, 不能開車, 只能走路健行, 可以在這裡露營, 享受完全大自然的生活方式. 直到目前為止, 這上面是沒有住戶的, 只有少數為了旅人搭建的 Hut, 讓遊客可以暫時過夜停留. 並且這裡有廣大數目的植物群, 約有260種類別偏及全地區, 同時也有約30種類別的鳥類, 讓遊客可以盡情觀賞自然植物以及賞鳥.
要接近這個 Hornstrandir 地區最簡單的方法就是從西北峽灣的 Isafjordur 港口搭船, 或是從另一邊東側的 Holmavik 搭車到最接近的入口, 再全部步行進入. 然而這裡的天氣是多變的, 主要適合拜訪的季節是七八月夏季, snow 則有可能在全年任何時刻發生, 所以足夠保暖防水的衣著是必須的, 同時還要有一雙適合健行走路的鞋子, 這裡有許多條適合健行的 hiking route, 在上面的網站有介紹幾條主要的路徑, 而我們此次選擇的 West Tour 是 the Hornbjarg bird-cliffs 其中一小段. 因為要配合到 Hornstrandir 的船班時刻, 所以一週只有週四才有的行程, 剛好我們停留的二天中就有一天是週四, 可以報名參加. 此段行程的介紹如下:
Hornvík is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in Iceland. It is surrounded by two of the three largest bird cliffs in Europe, has a mystic remoteness and magnificent cliffs. When millions of birds shout as loud as they can, one forgets the noise of the traffic and normal life. It is as far away as it can be and the term silence gets a new meaning
Before stepping onto dry land the boat stops for a moment to view the cliffs of Haelavikurbjarg, a cliff that reaches almost vertically an altitude of 4-500 metres. On stepping ashore on the other side of the bay, you hike up to the top of the other cliff. The Artic foxes are nearby and might appear without notice. The tour takes about 12 hours, thereof 6-7 hours in Hornvik, spent walking and enjoying.
Departure: 2/7 – 30/7
When: 09:00
Tour length: 12 hours.
Included: Boat tour and guide.
ID: V12
Categories: day tours, hornstrandir, hiking, tours, summer
而在 裡面的介紹非常豐富, 其中我們參加的 West Tour 之 Hiking route 是 — Hornvík bay – the Hornbjarg bird-cliffs 一小段
This route starts off along the bay to the Hafnarós estuary. After passing the estuary the route proceeds along the beach to the northernmost part of the bird-cliffs and on to Mt. Miðfell. Skilled climbers can scale Mt. Kálfatindur (534 m), the highest peak of the bird-cliffs, and view the Jörundur peak (8-10 hours).